At N.E.W. Ales, we pride ourselves on developing new and approachable flavors. What also makes us truly enjoy our job is searching for those flavors that we personally find a connection with. Sometimes those flavors come from a meal, the taste of another beer, or even old memories.
Country Dreamer, our hoppy amber, came about from just that, a memory.
In 2010, Beth's niece, Hannah, turned 21, and on her birthday Beth took Hannah out for her first legal beer. Hannah worked next door to Jackie O's Brewpub in Athens, Ohio, and chose Jackie O's for her first beer, Firefly Amber Ale. Hannah loved the beer, and as Beth was a craft beer enthusiast, she was ecstatic that her niece was following her lead.
Sadly, just one month later, Hannah passed away.
Fast forward to July 2019 when we at N.E.W. Ales brewed a batch of hoppy amber. It reminded Beth a bit of the Firefly, so she asked that the beer be named Country Dreamer, a nickname Hannah was given by some of the folks down in Athens. July also marked the month Jackie O's announced that Firefly was being discontinued. So in it's place, we decided to dedicate our own hoppy amber in Hannah's memory.
Beer can mean a myriad of things to each individual. When asked about Hannah and what made her so unbelievably amazing, Beth said, "Her smile, her laugh and utter love of life. She had a huge heart and was the most loving and generous soul. But my favorite thing was her balls to the wall, no fear attitude. She dove head first into life and gave it everything she had, and more." As our customers drink this beer, we wish for them to remember Hannah's story and her love of life, carefree attitude, and hope they can carry it forward in their own journey.
We encourage you to have a beer, savor the flavor, and cheers to wherever that sip takes you. Cheers!
